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echostats 01-06-2007 04:58 PM

I wanna know why the hell this forums blocks basically every other dsm site? It better be an amazingly good reason because hating every other site is not really the way to make friends.

And no, I have no affiliation with any car site whatsoever, I'm just pissed off because everytime I try to link someone to something helpful, the domain is blocked out with *******s

So please tell me, why is DSM TUNERS and 2G NT a "bad word" on this site?

For those that don't understand this post, try posting DSM TUNERS without the space between, this is what you get: DSMTUNERS

Now try 2G NT without the space: 2GNT.

One of the admins here obviously had some beef with someone... whatever it is, it better be a good story because I would love to hear a good story..........

davidmitsusrock 01-06-2007 06:26 PM

yea i noticed this too...who knows....the current admins arent the ones that started the site though i thought....

EMonz57 01-06-2007 07:07 PM

We have nothing to do with other sites being blocked but I id ask patrick before. It is in the site rules as well. You not supposed to link other forums. That is ike advertising for someone else. A forum makes its money from sponcers if we are giving awa our site traffic to other sites sponcers and vendors will not sticl around. I know there are alot of helpful things on other sites bt I dont write the rules and I could support either side of this argument as I see it both ways

ther is no beef with anyone. It is just a small site doing what is needed to stay afloat. Rather than linking stuff you could always copy and paiste or do a write up for us here. Either way it is a hassle. If you want someone to be linked somewhere dont post it just PM them and tell them.

echostats 01-07-2007 02:14 AM

No, Emonz... I disagree. The only sites that I have seen that are blocked are two dsm sites, one of those, dsm tuners being the biggest dsm forums site online. There are so many more people posting on that forum and when something is brought up and discussed through MANY MANY posts there is NO reason we shouldn't be able to just link to the post.

I didn't know that this forum was about making money. I'm a graphic designer. I've designed and currently run numerous domains in addition to my full time graphic design job and it never, ever crossed my mind that this forum or any other forum was about making money. I understand that you need money to pay for the bandwidth but if you're struggling to pay for the bandwidth to a forum, you are paying TOO much for the server... especially because this is one of the slowest forums online. :P

I feel I have tried to do my part to contribute to this site. I offered to help fix the site up and make it more usable but no one seemed interested. I posted in the Website topic section.

Ban me if you'd like, but if I see something on another forum that I feel will assist someone on this forum, I will post the link.

Sorry if I sound like some kind of an activist but I think it's retarded to block links to dsm tuners and any other forum. If the admins here are wanting the users to copy/ paste someone elses "research" or whatever it may be just to keep people on this site, wow.

I know people will take this as me being a jerk and maybe I am one, but it's simple... This is a website hosted on the WORLD WIDE WEB. Sorry but mitsu forum doesn't have all the answers and I will, in every situation, link to the place that does.

silvercoupe97 01-07-2007 09:32 AM

I understand what you're saying Echo. I do it myself at times too. I get around that by quoting the poster from another site, this way, you're giving that poster and not the site for the credit and you pass that info along at the same time. Besides that, not everyone is registered to other sites that only allow you to view threads if you're a registered member, like DSM Tuners. I hear your pain and wondered the same thing, but there are ways around everything, you know that ;)

echostats 01-07-2007 10:48 AM

Incorrect. dsmtuners, or DSM Tuners rather, does not require you to be logged in to view threads.

Sanguinius 01-07-2007 01:46 PM

First off I doubt this site is about making money. Now do a search and you'll find that this site is affiliated with MULTIPLE different forums (I am a member of a few of the other forums run by the same people). Sites like dodgeforum, nissanforum, mazdaforum, fordforum, ect. ect. So the bandwidth they are paying for ISN'T just for our little forum here. It's for ALL the forums. Also the sponsors don't support JUST this site. They are on ALL of them. So now recalculate your equation. You have multiple sites ALL with their own unique visitors. You have to cover bandwidth for ALL of them. And you only have so many sponsors. Now YOU want to be able to redirect some of the traffic from this site to another site for assistance. Thus possible chasing the sponsor's viewers away. Now allow this on every one of the sites and it's a hefty blow to the sponsors. Unhappy sponsors won't stick around thus leading to a lower cash flow to cover the bandwidth and eventually no forum as members quit visiting to go to these other sites that have this other information.

NOW if you gave 2 shyts about the site HERE you'd quit whining about not being able to post the links and you'd copy and paste and quote to give the proper due for the info so that WE have the same info on this board to help member out as well. It REALLY doesn't take long to cpy and paste.

echostats 01-07-2007 02:19 PM

You're obviously missing the whole concept of a forum. It's not about who has the most viewers or the most members. It's not about what member has the most posts... it's about information. If there are readers on the site that do not know about DSM Tuners, they are retarded. But on the same token, look at how many people are on this forum posting when DSM Tuners still exists.

All I am saying is, there is something here that is keeping people here. My bet it's the users. There should be no fear in losing viewers. I don't know about you but I do have the time to check multiple forums and I do daily. I just counted and I read and keep up with 7 forums daily.

I am not trying to blow this out of proportion because it really is a small issue and very un important. All I am trying to get across is that a forum is for information and there is NOTHING wrong with link to another forum to guide someone to the information. I never said it was hard to copy/paste on post, but it is certainly impossible to copy/paste an ENTIRE 20 PAGE THREAD.

If you cannot understand that, maybe you should not be the "Super Admin Prick" of Mitsu Forums.

Sanguinius 01-07-2007 02:44 PM

Now you're attacking me directly? I'm sorry but did you NOT get the first few posts? Are you completely illeterate or do you have selective reading skills? WE DON'T CONTROL THE SETTINGS FOR BLOCKED WORDS! I hadn't bothered attacking merely providing a detailed explanation as to exactly why certain sites aren't mention. Now if you want to sit here and bash then find somewhere else to do it. this site doesn't need anyone purposely starting drama and BS. We have enough people that try to do that on a regular basis already.


TheEngineer 01-08-2007 10:29 AM

Sorry for opening this back up but i havnt been around in the last couple weeks and i just wanted to put a quick 2 cents in. I here both sides of this arguement. And the main thing here is we dont control the site rules. But IMO what has people come here is the info. But what keeps people here is the members. Having an inviting community is what makes people come back. So posting a link to another site isnt gonna make them go there the next time they need something. I think they would still come back here, because here is where they got the help. Just my 2 cents

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