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player69x 02-22-2006 11:47 PM

YO Emonz
hey emonz you the one i hear talking about the safc the most on here so i wanna know if these settings any good if i dont wanna buy a wideband o2 or should i still get it.

EMonz57 02-23-2006 12:17 AM

RE: YO Emonz
umm ya that is just the car specific settup for the SAFCII that has nothing to do with the tune persay other than tell the Computer when you want you corrections to come into play for example stting the HI THR at 80% means your corrections to the A\F wont start untill your at 80% throttle. I wouldnt even correct the Lo THr no need and it will average it out with the HI THr depending on if the throttle postions is more than the Lo THr % you set. So if you let Lo THr at 20% it will average out your corrections at anything higher than 20% throttle.

also all DSMs and EVOs need to be settup on Karma with the upward arrow and some people setup as a 2cyl but mine is set at 4cyl andworks fine I guess that depends on what wire you splice the RPM singal into , but not sure cuz when I set at 2cyl my car reads either doubleor half the RPMs from actual RPMs (Icant remember which way it went)

But like I said that has nothing to do with your tune in order to tune with the SAFCII or anything else for that matter youll need either an EGT or wideband if not both and most recommend a data logger so you can see what your AFR is at a given RPM I just tuned my car through different RPMs bands one at a time. I started a 3K-4500 and tuned that till I got it and then went up from there.

My tune on my 560s (550s what ever they are) goes from -4% corrections at 3K to -19% corrections at redline. so I am subracting fuel I guess you would say

EMonz57 02-23-2006 12:21 AM

RE: YO Emonz
with the corrections they have on the bottom of that page I cant tell you because without seeing it I dont know. My car I never went +%corrections in any RPM range my car wasnt running lean in the least bit it was running super rich

EMonz57 02-23-2006 10:01 PM

RE: YO Emonz
nothing to say about this?? Was the way I wrote it confussing cause I felt like I was doing a little babbleing on for nothing anyway

player69x 02-23-2006 11:06 PM

RE: YO Emonz
the reason i said nothing was because it kinda sounds like your speaking chinese because i dont really understand the safc2 youll have to explain to me in dumbass terms.

EMonz57 02-23-2006 11:10 PM

RE: YO Emonz
I thought it was confussing lol but I tried to make it not so bad. But without it in front of you it is alittle hard to understand. When you look at it in person it is SOOO easy

player69x 02-23-2006 11:20 PM

RE: YO Emonz
when i get mine just gimmy your settings and instead of subtracting gas ill add.

EMonz57 02-23-2006 11:28 PM

RE: YO Emonz

ORIGINAL: player69x

when i get mine just gimmy your settings and instead of subtracting gas ill add.
the settings is the easy part and you cant jsut add fuel it isnt about just give an take. you gotta maintain a surtain AFR (air fuel Ratio incase you didnt know) my car is best between 11.3 -11.5 AFR stock it runs 9.8. 9.8 is really really rich so I leaned it out to 11.5ish and it is ALOT fast now and saves gas miles. If my car was to be higher than a 11.5 stock I would have to add fuel if I wasnt maxxed out. If you are running max duty on you injectors then you need to upgrade to bigger and then you will be rich and need to subract.

It is better to be rich than lean but to much in either direction can cause damage

player69x 02-24-2006 12:02 AM

RE: YO Emonz
ahh im kinda lost still.

TheEngineer 02-24-2006 01:36 PM

RE: YO Emonz
phew this is really going to be hard to explain easily.....

While driving you car mixes air with fuel. The computer will read a ratio of this (the amount of air to the amount of fuel). Now i hope this is clear or else nothing else will be.

Leaning and Richening:
When you lean a car out you are actually putting less gas in the car creating a high air to fuel ratio and richening is the oposite. You will lower your air to fuel ratio. The SAFC allows you to adjust how much fuel your car supplies to the engine.

What emonz is saying about the max duty is that if your car runs lean stock and you want to add more fuel to richen it, you may not be able to because your injectors will not be able to handle the extra fuel.

Now as far the rre tuning guide that they have. when you get yours that might not be a bad place to start since i am sure that they have tested those settings on the car. To me they seem pretty stock. Not too much of a change besides the very slight change at the higher RPM's.

NOTE TO EMONZ: Did you notice how they want you to richen the car at higher RPM's on the 16g. Too bad Luis didn't keep those leaned out setting. Maybe he should look at this sheet. :D

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