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EMonz57 04-30-2007 02:28 PM

RE: Chat Room Box

ORIGINAL: tidus10


there is a chat program that works with this software, however, it is not free. we have used it at a few other forums, and at all but one, it was never used so we removed it. the only site of mine where it is used has almost 70,000 members, and there are still only a handful of people at any given time.
I wouldnt expect a ton of people tobe on there but if you could make more than one room make serveral rooms for like eclipsehelp, evo help, ect..then that would be a very good thing i think
that is a horrible ideo IMO tidus. Reason why is then it just override the entire purpose of the forum. maybe having a chat room main room and haveing the ability to go to a private chat so everyone else isnt able to jump in the middle of a convo. even still I think its a bad idea and just retarded. you guys want to chat then sign on your AIM sN and chat that way

Kaede.Noir 04-30-2007 02:41 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
You can always just get a room on Mirc (haha is it still used?) and just make an auto log in in a java webpage chat :) when i get my internet back i can offer to moderate it, or create the irc channel, as for the platform.... i fail you guys there

50ul }{4ck3r 04-30-2007 02:47 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
patrick whats the price tag on that chat

Dusty Eclipse 04-30-2007 02:48 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
Emonz, I think it would be a good way to get new members... It would also keep the post whoring to a minimum... (Yes, Im aware of the irony there...) How much is the chat app, Patrick?

EMonz57 04-30-2007 02:53 PM

RE: Chat Room Box

ORIGINAL: Dusty Eclipse

Emonz, I think it would be a good way to get new members... It would also keep the post whoring to a minimum... (Yes, Im aware of the irony there...) How much is the chat app, Patrick?
the fact of the matter is... if you want to chat you already have the resorces to do so. like I said just talk to each other on AIM there is no need for the site to offer the same thing as AIM already does.

Dusty Eclipse 04-30-2007 02:56 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
I dont know about anyone else here, but most of the time that Im on here, is when Im at work... My computer at work, for whatever reason... will not support AIM (or aim express) (hence the post whoring, lol) Maybe this isnt the case for any other members, but I thought Id throw it out there.

RCJr9186 04-30-2007 03:11 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
i think it would be a good idea and it would cut down on the good topic threads that turn intopersonal convo's.

tidus10 04-30-2007 03:16 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
mike knows everything dont challenge him..:eek:

Sebba 04-30-2007 03:41 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
We need to have a big list of AIM usernames. Not just a thread with a bunch of people posting.. i mean like a sepserate page on the top menu or something that has the username and the AIM of all the regs.

What is the $$$ for the chat box?

TheEngineer 04-30-2007 04:53 PM

RE: Chat Room Box
Its called a profile. You can put your AIM in your profile. So there's no need for something on top

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