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PooT_Nation 03-14-2006 09:14 PM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt
ya, i can see stealth on some cars, but i like to be shiny and colourful. lol. i like to stand out.
When I owned my del sol, i was just another driver on the road. The only looks I got were from high school daddy's kids laughing at my pos.
Now I've got my eclipse and the BOV alone turns heads. i looooove it.

skyline 03-14-2006 09:16 PM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt
Yeah, some bling under the hood for shows isn't bad. So long as it's not just for show LOL.

EMonz57 03-14-2006 11:20 PM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt


ya, i can see stealth on some cars, but i like to be shiny and colourful. lol. i like to stand out.
When I owned my del sol, i was just another driver on the road. The only looks I got were from high school daddy's kids laughing at my pos.
Now I've got my eclipse and the BOV alone turns heads. i looooove it.
its not just the BOV too, I always stare DSMs down I like em. and I find a need to know if its turbo for some reason lol

PooT_Nation 03-15-2006 04:05 AM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt
ya, what i was saying is that i do get looks becuase it's a Dsm and it's pretty.
but what I really love is the "head snap"

That's when you drive by someone not paying attention, or someone's walking with their back turned to you, and your BOV goes off and they snap their head around to watch me drive by. mmm love the head snap.

willdue 03-15-2006 04:07 AM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt
I dont have no BOV, and I get alot of looks, I think its cause my cars theme is rare, everyone tells me my car looks like no other, so I get them Head Snaps.

PooT_Nation 03-15-2006 04:10 AM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt
again...if ya don't mind...what do you drive? pictures?

you can't go around booming you have a rare theme w/o pics! :D You've got me interested.

PooT_Nation 03-15-2006 04:11 AM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt
Aww a 96 GS. No wonder you don't have a BOV. lol

willdue 03-15-2006 04:14 AM

RE: My EVO and a buddies GSt
lol, take it you found the pics...Its nice, buit i need some performence...

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