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Profiling in action.

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Old 09-09-2004, 06:30 PM
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

im glad Im not the only one that has this going on.

here I am at a red light, turning left. my arrow turns green and I start to go. all of a sudden this SUV plows through the red light and forces me to jam on my breaks to avoid being hit. I get pissed, throw out some words and punch it around the corner... WELL, I failed to notice that there was a state trooper sittin right next to me at the lights, and he pulled me over. GET THIS: he came up to my door and asked me if I knew why he was pulling me over. I told him "no" but asked why he didn't go after the car that ran the red. He said that I "peeled out" around the corner so he followed me. then asks me what thats called.. I wish I could have been a smart *** and said umm.. yeah, HOT ****ING PAVEMENT DICK HEAD, I drive an AWD, my tires don't spin... anyways, long story short... HE ASKS ME TO ROLL UP MY WINDOWS CAUSE HE THINKS THE TINT IS TOO DARK!.................................W H A T T H E F U C K? I got a tint violation when my windows were down....

I feel you all with this profiling crap
Old 09-10-2004, 02:37 AM
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i say everyone contacts the local t.v. stations to try to get something done. they are now tryin to pass a no cruising/parking law in town. that has been a tradition on the weekends for over 50 years here. this has to stop. on top of that me and a co-worker take up two spots at work so no one parks to close to us. we come out from work and i had a parking violation and he didnt. needless to say he has a 98 trans am and i have a 92 jdm eclipse. **** THIS PROFILLING BULL****! TIME TO TAKE A STAND! BTW-if you are out of your car and a cop tries to give you a ticket he cant because you are no longer controlling the vehicle. remember keys out of the ignition also.
Old 09-10-2004, 11:53 AM
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

Well, I can feel you guys on the profiling thing..although it has never happened to me. I don't know if it is because my car sits in front of a police station for 12 hours 4 days out of the week, or because my father-in-law is a cop and all his cop buddies come to his house, witch is on the same piece of land as my house. The import scene hasn't been too big in southeast GA but it is really starting to grow. I'm sure in a couple more years we will be in the same situation as some of you bigger cities.
Old 09-10-2004, 03:52 PM
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

in my area, the local hangout was the A&P parking lot cause my town is small but we do have a LOT of import cars. You either have a import car or a truck in my area it seems. Well if a cop see's you in my area now in the parking lot just talking and there is 4 or more people... it can be considrered a riot!! WTF? ok i think the cops need a life and get out of the fast and furious image that they think all import cars are like. Its also funny cause one of the cops who is like the biggest ****** has himself a 2002 Celica TOTALLY customized and i see him speeding a lot!... hmm i think this **** is getting just a lil bit unfair
Old 09-13-2004, 02:16 PM
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

in utah yes i know it is utah but we cruse on state street. there are local cops every light and highway patrol. we sit in the parking lot of checker and the cops tell us to move it. we sit in wendys parking lot after buying food to eat it and they freak. WTF is this SH**. i can't evan buy a meal and eat it at the place i bought it now!!! THIS IS OUT OF HAND AND NEEDS HANDLED!!!!
Old 09-14-2004, 12:56 AM
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

I scheduled a "Civilian Observer" session with my local PD, hopefully I can ask the officer some questions.
Old 09-14-2004, 06:38 PM
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good.. I hope we get to the bottom of this... I don't see this a lot around because all I have here in Iowa is a lot of posers... riced out civics and cavies and ****.... but I feel it when I drive. hmm, I'll have to have a talk with my buddy's dad. he's a city police LT.
Old 09-17-2004, 05:58 PM
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

yea, thats a good idea, my gf uncle is a LT on our local PD..... maybe ill talk to him about gettin a ride along one night, lets see what the cops do then, especially when they pull over one import for somethin, and lettin a SUV go for doin the same damn thing, itd be interesting to get in a legitimet arguement with a cop over somethin like that........
Old 09-18-2004, 07:48 PM
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

You guys think you have it bad? I live in a small hole in the wall suburb of Cinci. Me and my family make up like 90% of the ethnic population in the whole town(it's only me, my mom, and my dad). So one day, my psycho ex girlfriend decides to stop by my house and harrass the hell out of me. Unfortunately, earlier that day i went somewhere and had the top down on my spyder. After she rang the door-bell for a total of 20 mintues(i wouldn't even open the door), she says she's gonna go in my car. I'm like "hell no" and open the door and run outside. By the time i get out there, her crazy *** is like all in my glove box and throwing my crap everywhere. She gets up and like charges at me, pushes me aside and runs in my house(why? i don't know). I of course don't want her to break **** in there, so i *think* i'm allowed to atleast push her out of my house. I mean, that makes sense, right? Someone goes in your house without permission, you can move them out, right? Well, i proceed to do so, and it's quite a struggle(she weighs 95lbs and i'm about 115lbs....so....). I finally get her out and run to the phone to call the police. But whoops!!! Stupid me forgets to lock the door!!! she runs back in my house and see's me on the phone and runs towards me. Being on a cordless and being the pacifist that i am....i run away. Well, i dodge her go around our living room table. Well, she see's the phone base and unplugs it. Since i had already told the dispatch that i'm having a problem in with an ex, when the phone cut off on her i guess she decided to send a cop to my house. So i run outside to wait for the cop to arrive. My ex decides to follow out, while crying. So the cop finally arrives and the first thing out of her mouth is "he hit me"(i didn't). Instantly, i go in the back of the cop car. The cop gets her statement and proceeds to try and take pictures of her, my car, and my house even!!!! All the while, i'm stuck in the back of the cop car, the only thing i said to the cop was "yes i did put my hands on her but i only tried to push her out of my house"(he asked "did you hit her or put your hands on her?"). I didn't have a chance to explain myself or say anything, although i was the one who called 911. When he opens the door to let me out, he explains that he could have taken me to jail but my ex said that she didn't want that to happen to me. Needless to say, i didn't say a word to the cop. Before he finished "talking" to me, i had already started walking away. I went straight inside, plugged the phone back up and took the cordless outside and dialed the operator. The cop and my ex are still outside, not really sure what i was doing i guess. I asked the operator for the non-emergency police number and she connected me trhough to them. I told the secretary or whoever answered that i needed to file a complaint against an officer. She asked which officer and i walked right up to the cop right there and read his name badge to her. He didn't seem to intimidated, more curious, since he didn't know who i was talking to. Well, the scretary patches me through the cheif of police and he tells me to come down to the station. So my ex and the cop are still wondering what the hell i'm doing and are still just standing right in front of my driveway. I put my phone inside the house and get my keys and lock up, then go to clean-up my car(she threw **** everywhere). The cop starts to ask her something and i'm just like screw it, i clean up when i get back and ask them to please move from my driveway. The cop asks me where i'm going and i didn't want to be belligerent or anything, so i just said "nowhere". Well, he sighs and proceeds to move, my ex doesn't move from my driveway though. I tell the cop to please get her off my property. He says "it's your parents property, you can't make demands like that". I fire back saying "do you want me to call my mom and have her tell you to get her off the property?" So he tells the crazy *** to move aside and go back to her car. I back out and go and file my complaint. Anyways, yes this story does have a point and i'm getting to it now. I file my complaint and everything goes alright and then a few days later i'm driving to work and see the bubblegums flashing behind me. Suprise....it's the same cop who came to my house. He gets me for no front tag...but so at that time i was between a license suspension(12 points is too little), one more ticket would have taken away my DL for three years. So instead he gives me a "no operators license" on the citation so i wouldn't get the points. Point is, i don't know if he took it easy on me or what...but i'm still driving so it's cool. Maybe the cheif said something to him, but i dunno. I haven't seen the cop in a month or so(coincidentally, i live like 1/2 mile away from the cops headquarters and courthouse). But complaining does help...sometimes....
Old 09-20-2004, 05:18 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Default RE: Profiling in action.

yea, i gotta cop like that too........ me and a coupla buddys were at the rec center in my neighborhood, we go in at like 10:30, no big deal were all at least 18, me 21, so we are allowed to be there..... well this place locks up at 2 a.m., so we go outside to have a smoke, prop the door open and it passes two.... about 45 min later the cops were there checkin the place out..... to make a long story short this cop was tellin me he was gonna arrest me for "overriding a security system, thats a second degree felony." so im like ok arrest me then. apparently now im "assaulting a police officer" cause im "all up in his face", of course im not, im standing there like they want me to, talking to them...... at this point the one i really hate pushes me with one finger in the chest, against the pillar on the porch, now at this point i have every right to defend myself, by law, and this cop is like 6 foot, 280 easy, i was about to beat the livin **** out of him........ i dont, i stand there and ask him for his name and badge number 4 friggin times....... he doesnt say anything, so i look over at the other cop, who turns his head, LIKE HE DIDNT SEE ANYTHING, at this point im really pissed, so i try and just walk away for a second to calm down, they grab me, put me in cuffs and start walking me to the car........ i ask repetedly why im in handcuffs and if im under arrest, again no response...... at which point im just like wait untill my lawyer gets to your ***....... now he hears this, jerks me around and is like what did you just say, i looked him straight in the eye and said LAWYER, all drawn out so i knew he would understand what i was saying. now he doesnt know what to do..... he uncuffs me and stands there this time wanting to talk to me for a minute.... now being as much of a dick as i can, im just like **** you, get in my car and drive home. they follow me home...... i had one beer before all this ever took place, and it happend over about a half hour period.... now they try and tell me, after i get out of my car that they could arrest me right now for DWI...... of course im like no you cant and hold up my keys, hehe....... so i went to the station the next day and filed a complaint, needless to say i havent seen either of them around for about 3 months now, and now they follow me all the time but not one has pulled me over yet..... point of the story, cops really really dont like even hearing you mention a lawyer..... if your really in trouble with em, just make sure you dont do anything wrong and screw yourself over, and theyll get whats comin to em..........

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