?'s bout Targa TOP?
?'s bout Targa TOP?
Hey guys I am located in central florida. Any idea of a place that would be able to customize a targa top for my '98 GS-T. And any idea what the cost would be..... In ur opinions would it be possible to do it myself? i kinda doubt it but what do u guys think?
RE: ?'s bout Targa TOP?
Not that I am aware of, but realize that what your doing will ruin the resale of the car, cost more then what the car is worth, and if not done right ruin the cars structual integrity. A guy(pics below) did it and to keep the car from twisting while going around turns he had a 9 point roll cage installed, he also had suports put behind the dash and in the trunk. In all he added an extra 300 pounds to his car and spend about 12,000 in work just to remove his roof. Which by the way isnat a true targa becuase the peice removed cant be put back in place if it were to rain.
RE: ?'s bout Targa TOP?
Ya, I know that any real fabs to the structure will drop the cars resale value but my car isnt worth any real resale anyway. Blue book on my car isnt but 3500 but i paid 4200. They sell for more than theyre worth. Is it unheard of for someone to customize a targa top for an eclipse that you can put on if it were to rain?
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