first car

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Old 09-16-2007, 10:56 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Default RE: first car

i kinda agree with alzuben that u should compromise with ur parents cuz they do support u financially on the other hand how are u gonna pay for insurance and registration?
Old 09-16-2007, 11:59 PM
Sebba's Avatar
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Default RE: first car

I somewhat agree with AlZ. However, i got better grades than EVERYONE in my family, and yet im the only one that doesnt have a car. I never do bad **** and i work hard in school and i never complain. Even thoughmy sisters had brand new cars lol.My bro ended up with a probe.

What ever dude.. i dont see why they want a say in it if you are going to be supporting this yourself. Like you said, you want a say... then contribute.

AlZ, where i dissagree with you is, they are parents, isnt that what parents do? Support their kids? If they want them to be independant and make decisions/make their own cash, theyshouldnt govern what they do with it. You just cant have it both ways... it aint right.
Old 09-17-2007, 12:11 AM
GodOfHell's Avatar
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Default RE: first car

lol, ill be paying for my own insurance. Luckily i get straight A's so i get the good student discount.. wich is only 5 pc but hey, helps a bit.
Old 09-17-2007, 12:14 AM
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Default RE: first car

Damn dude you did better than me. I got all A's and a B... i hope it lowers mine by the time i finally geta f-ing car.
Old 09-17-2007, 12:35 AM
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Default RE: first car

when you say he got a probe.....I can only hope you are talking about the Ford....but I'd hardly consider that much better than the other kind.

but you have some strange ideas about parents! I thought our job was to psychologically traumatize our children so they would be f*cked up for the rest of their lives! Who said anything about support?

oh, I got it, I just figured it out. You are the youngest. You're not being punished for anything you did, you're being punished for everything your older siblings did. Your parents are looking at all the messed up stuff they did and somehow, they think that you would do the same if they didn't treat you like charles manson.

you gotta make them aware of how they have treated you unfairly....and then spell it out to them that it's there fault....and it will cost until it hurts to buy off all that guilt.

Stop trying to reason with them, that will never work. Most adults aren't going to put up with anybody telling them they are wrong and proving it in a reasonable my ex-wife taught me...every time she screwed up...and anybody found out about it....she punished anybody and everybody in her wake.

so, for your parents, I'm going to recommend blackmail. They will understand and respect you for it.

I hear what you are saying about own cash and stuff....but I'll bet he doesn't pay them rent, doesn't pay utilities, eats their food...and probably has to be asked more than once to mow the lawn.

Personally, I blame the parents for not feeding their children to hungry alligators when they were babies!

why is it that you think you can live like a tick off your parents for 18 years and then walk away thinking you owe them nothing?

so his parents are contributing. While he spends his hard earned lunch money on the toy of his dreams, they are still paying all his other bills. Personally, I think that's pretty stupid. My son tried that BS with me and I told him to go downtown and give handjobs if he wants money. That may have been harsh but I don't have to listen to him whine like a spoiled brat any more.

Now in your circumstances, I do feel your pain and frustration. As I posted earlier, it's pretty common that daughters get treated 1 way and sons get treated another. It isn't fair...and parent's are only perpetuating stereotypes.

We've conversed, you have convinced me that you are a decent and reasonably intelligent person. You're working a job....which is more than many your age can say. So, I don't know what personal issues you have with your father that he treats you this way. Parents aren't perfect...and in fact, most of them are pretty big f*ck ups.

Just tell them when they get old you intend to put them in the crappiest nursing home you can find.....because they deserve it.
Old 09-17-2007, 12:44 AM
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Default RE: first car


lol, ill be paying for my own insurance. Luckily i get straight A's so i get the good student discount.. wich is only 5 pc but hey, helps a bit.
you make good grades and you earned your own money for the car and the insurance. The issue here is that your parents aren't ready to accept that they have done their job right. I can definitely relate to this mentality and I now understand them much better.

Hell, I'll bet they couldn't be more proud of you....and at the same time, you don't know how hard it is to stand back and let your children become adults.

I wouldn't want my son in a GSX, I would never sleep. I would sneak out at night and sabotage the car just so I could sleep on saturday night. That's what your parent's aren't saying. They are saying that they can't stand the thought of you wrapping it around a tree.

And you want a GSX so you've already signalled your intent to drive wrecklessly. And if you tried to argue that you wouldn't then I would counter....then why don't you buy something that gets good gas mileage instead? They're not trying to be d*cks, they're telling you they are afraid.

and what do you really need a glove box full of speeding tickets for anyway?
Old 09-18-2007, 12:07 AM
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hmmm...sounds like he's pretty fiscally irresponsible. But he does put a roof over your head, feed you, cloth you, yada yada. I think he has a point that you can help out financially, et al.
I suggest when christmas comes around, you tell him he already got his present.

hmm actually my mom buys my food, and i buy 100 percent of my cloths and necessitees....he pays the house bill for himself. And he allowes me to have a cell phone whitch i pay for myself.
Old 09-18-2007, 12:18 AM
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and not to mention mr. parental genius....what about the parents who drink all the time and beat the **** out of their kids when they voice their opinions(aka my dad) are you going to justify that while you are at it. My girlfriends father is an alchaholic **** up that has a kid from another women that her family didnt even know about till recently...oh i guess he is a good parent becouse he at least pays child support. theyre are PLENTY of idiots out there that shouldnt be parents. Im not going to call my dad an idiot....but he need alot of work. My mom is the only one that has ever been there for i dont even consider him a "provider" . i could get a roof over my head anywhere.

i buy all my own ****
i have earned and saved money for a car sence i was 10
and yes i plan on moving out at 18, call me rediculous teen if you would like, it wont prove a point

my dad signed a loan off to my brother to buy him a car at 16 pluss gave him 1200 dollars for 11000 dollar car under warranty. He smokes, he chews, he drinks, and he has done a fair amount of drugs. He is certainly not a model teen.

and all i want is to be "allowed" to buy a 3500 DSM with cash out of my own account and he wont let me. He says we don't need another car....yet he throws a **** fit when my mom lets me use her car. i work 35-40 hours a week, go to school, and have a life...i need transportation.
Old 09-18-2007, 12:29 AM
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Default RE: first car

Dude that kinda **** does not belong on a car forum lol
Old 09-18-2007, 12:35 AM
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you mean like what everyone else is posting in this thread sebba? call it meaningful whoring if you must. I just want to see what he has to say about it.

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