Mitsubishi Outlander The new crossover from Mitsubishi, mixing the usefulness of an SUV with the size and convenience of a sport wagon.

Programming Door's lock

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Old 09-19-2008, 09:16 AM
azchipka's Avatar
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Default RE: Programming Door's lock

Is everyone worried they might suddenly have the urge to jump out of your cars while they are moving or are we abducting people that we need to make sure don't try to jump out of the care.

To me this has always seemed like a useless feature. The only purpose I see for it is for children in the back which is why there are child safety locks.

Can anyone tell me what makes this feature one you want to have, more then anything so perhaps i can understand the need for them.
Old 09-19-2008, 09:44 AM
chenarm's Avatar
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Default RE: Programming Door's lock

I assume the relay thing that was mentioned could be an aftermarket kit thattaps in the signal from the shifter wiring and feeds the door lock system, like the door lock button on the door.
Old 09-19-2008, 09:49 AM
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Default RE: Programming Door's lock

I have child safetly locks on as well, but its nice to have the doors lock by themselves as well. Its a nice safetly feature that should be in all vehicles....and yes i have the urge to jump out of my car when my two year old and newborn are both screaming at the top of their lungs
Old 09-19-2008, 10:22 AM
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That's also when the 650 watts come in handy!

But on a serious note, I think that in some areas, for your own safety,it's probably not a good idea to dirve with your doors unlocked. So I can see some people wanting the feature. Personally I don't care, my kids are old enough to unlock the doors if they feel like jumping out!
Old 09-19-2008, 10:38 AM
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Default RE: Programming Door's lock

Think its safe to assume that it will only take one time of someone jumping out of a moving car to figure out its not a good thing to do. I mean most kids need to touch the stove once to understand it will hurt, gotta fall out of a tree once to figure out it will hurt. Falling out of a moving car is going to hurt so think its safe to assume that if you dont have enough common sense to not jump out of a moving car that it is a good lesson to learn.

So next time your driving along at 30 mph push your passenger out of the car. Guess what from that point forward they wont try to open your door and jump out when its moving. On the other hand they may never ride in your car again. If you do this with your kids child services may ask you some questions about your parenting tactics when you go to the hospital though.
Old 09-19-2008, 11:30 AM
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I wasn't talking about you getting out of the caron your own free will. I was thinking more in line, with you stopping at a red light and someone walking up to your door, opening the door because you didn't lock it, pointing a gun or a knifein your face, and politely asking you to get out.
Old 09-19-2008, 11:38 AM
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Default RE: Programming Door's lock

ORIGINAL: chenarm

I wasn't talking about you getting out of the caron your own free will. I was thinking more in line, with you stopping at a red light and someone walking up to your door, opening the door because you didn't lock it, pointing a gun or a knifein your face, and politely asking you to get out.
Ha, Well put. I go to Indianapolis all the time and...its not the best areas of the town either... But of course if they REALLY wanted your car they could just shoot your window anyway...But regardless, it should be standard in all vehicles..or at least to me.
Old 09-19-2008, 11:58 AM
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Default RE: Programming Door's lock

Hmmmmmm well unless you replaced your car with bullet proof windows someone pointing a gun at your head isnt really going to be effected by the door being opened or closed. A smart car jacker isnt going to use a gun though cause if they decide to shoot you the value of the interior of the car is going to go way down from having brain matter all over the leather seats. I hear that stuff is really hard to get out of the vents and similar places.

Since the person is already looking at charges for Assault with a deadly weapon, grand theft auto, the smart money is adding kidnapping charges onto the list as well I mean lets get our money worth for the crime being committed.

From an auto theft stand point most people who steal cars carry a brick, crow bar screw driver etc for gaining access to the car.

So going with the car jacking protection of locking your doors. The smart car jacker takes brick smashes back window enters the car in the 2nd row seating hold gun to your head and tells you to drive. Now they have your car and you for ransom money.

Now a really smart car jacker will invest the 3 dollars and buy a window punch which is the tool used by rescue workers to shatter your car window to get you out of the car.

I think its a safe bet this feature was not intended to prevent you from being car jacked, and if it was its more of a piece of mind thing then actual protective measure.

Think the safe way to avoid being car jacked is stop driving your $30k crossover in areas where you have a high risk of being carjacked at gun point.

If you value your car more then your life. Throw the car in park and once your out of the car hit the panic button on your remote to lock the ignition.

Another cheap solution is slap a NRA sticker on your car. Most day to day car jackers wont risk they fact that you have a fire arm on you.

On the bright side of things if you get car jacked and have good insurance you can get the new version of the outlander as a replacement!!!

Oh yes and dont forget to lock your car when you are getting gas at the gas station since most car jacking occurs at gas pumps and not stop signs or street lights.

Another more expensive solution is add a toxic gas system to your air conditioning that is released via remote control. Although I am pretty sure there is a law against doing this.

Have verizon wireless then leave your cell phone in the car and once the car has been stolen use the chaperon feature to locate your car using the internet. Better yet add lowjack or OnStar to your car.

Oh ya and last but not least lets remember that your likely hood of being car jacked according to crime stats for urban areas is .013% and outside the city is .00051% (yes i just looked it up) so based on that I hope you play the lotto to cause if you live outside the city your odds of winning the jackpot are about the same as getting car jacked. Oh btw your likelyhood of being carjacked is doubled is your a female under the age of 30, the likely hood of you also being kidnapped if your a female under the age of 30 also goes way up during carjackings. Although I do suspect this is lowered if your really really ugly.

If you would like 100% protection from being car jacked buy a decommissioned tank at Military auction. No one would ever try to car jack you if your driving a tank.
Old 09-19-2008, 12:04 PM
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Default RE: Programming Door'

ORIGINAL: arshem

I go to Indianapolis all the time and...its not the best areas of the town either...
Stop buying drugs or women in shady parts of Indianapolis then you would have more money to buy mods for your car and you would have less risk of getting car jacked. Although while your in those shady parts of town you could buy a unregistered firearm pretty cheap. This might serve you better then auto car locks to prevent car jacking. And hey if you do buy a gun and then you get car jacked. Just look for another outlander driving around cause you know they dont have auto door locks so would be an easy jacking. Dont forget to keep the driver though so you can get some ransom money out of it.

Might want to pick up a copy of Grand Theft Auto to get some practice in though.
Old 09-19-2008, 12:50 PM
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Default RE: Programming Door's

LMAO, you guys are funny...

As for me, it's mainly safety... as Azchipka was pulling his hairs wondering why people may need an autolock thing installed... well, let me tell you this:

My aunt was just moving out of her driveway a guy came running opened the door (no gun, no knife) tossed her out of the car and drove away. If she would have had the autolock feature in her car she would have been safe and no broken shoulder or 3 months in rehab. I have also seen thieves do that in traffic while people are waiting at the red light. You'll be surprised, some of them toss the driver out and steal the car with wife and kids inside.

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