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1994 Montero Head Gasket Repair

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Old 02-23-2022, 09:21 AM
1960StudebakerHawk's Avatar
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Default 1994 Montero Head Gasket Repair

I have started the involved process of replacing the Head Gasket on my 94 Montero LS.....regular 3.0 engine. Its a much more involved process than I had imagined when I started a week ago.

For reference, here is a picture before disassembly:

Here is a picture after removing the fuel injector rail and the intake manifold:

Here is a closer picture showing the deep puddles of oil laying in the "valley" underneath the intake manifold:

Question: Would a blown Head Gasket allow both Water and Oil to either pass into the cylinders, or in this dump oil out onto the valley area under the intake manifold? Apparently the only water leaking is "into" one of the cylinders, but there is a ton of oil coming from someplace.

A pic of the front timing belt area:

Notice what appears to be the seal behind the water pump, with the lower section hanging down. If this gasket behind the water pump is bad, would it allow oil to leak past it? Note: This is the gasket behind the water pump, not the gasket/seal that is in the middle of the two waterpump halves.

2 pic up close of the gasket hanging below water pump housing:

Thanks for your comments/advice.

Old 02-25-2022, 12:11 PM
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I hope Hunter and others might review and give me some advice. Below are a few more pictures. I have attempted to remove the Head 10mm hex head bolts, and they are extremely tight. I already bent a small 3/8" extension on the socket while trying. I had to use a big breaker bar with a pipe attached to the end. Moved one bolt a nudge, and tried another.....but the next one bent the extension on the socket.

Here is a picture, and you can see the 8 Head Bolts. I cleaned out the oil and some black sediment on the bottoms of the bolt heads, so the socket would fit all the way inside the bolt. Some questions:
1. Should I do the "shock treatment" and use a sledge hammer and a punch to bang a few times on the bolt before trying to remove it some?
2. Is heating it with a torch a good idea? It seems to me that the heat on the head of the Socket Head Hex Bolt would make the bolt hot, and expand it a bit, making it even tighter? Or does the heat reduce the sheer strength of the bolt, and would tend to make it "bend" and snap off easier?
3. Is an Impact Driver a good idea, or would that cause the bolts to snap off easier? Then I would have a nightmare trying to remove a busted head bolt.
4. Is it best to have an assistant tap the end of the breaker bar with a sledge hammer while I put force on the Head Bolt?
Any other good ideas/advice on getting these suckers out?

Up close shot of one of the Head Bolts:

Another related question:
Even though there was water in the oil pan, there is absolutely no "white creamy goo" on the rocker assembly (at least on this side of the engine). Is it possible that the water pump gasket closest to the engine (which has a piece hanging down in the top pictures) can allow water to leak back into the engine oil pan? Or is this technically impossible on this engine? I am thinking that maybe the head gaskets are not blown, but that the water may have leaked into the engine oil through a faulty water pump gasket. Whats the opinion on this?

Thanks to all who offer suggestions.

Old 02-26-2022, 08:22 AM
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Help...........Ive been sitting in my cold garage with greasey hands waiting for someone from the Mitsu. Site to give me some direction........Its so cold in here.......all alone......dont know what to do...........tic-toc, tic-toc, time marches on.
Seriously, I would appreciate some comments/suggestions to the questions I mentioned above.

Old 02-26-2022, 02:56 PM
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Hey StodebackerHawk, sorry you are sitting alone in your cold garage... At least you are out of the weather I have not been here for some time, preoccupied with the horrors going on in Ukraine.
As far as the troubles you are having...
Head gaskets blow up in mysterious ways. you can have a failure where oil goes one way and coolant in a different direction, or they may mix somewhere. No way to predict it ahead of time.
The gasket on your water pump does look funny. Do you know when was the last time the water pump was removed/replaced? I wonder if the gasket got installed backwards, or if it is from a wrong engine (you know - close but no cigar...).
Head gaskets bolt removal - use a very good Allan wrench sockets. Clean the bolt heads, firmly install the socket into the bolt. It may help to tap gently on it, to make sure it seats ALL the way into the head of the bolt. Then use a big breaker bar and possibly an extension pipe on it to break the hold. The bolts should be tightened somewhere near 80 ft/lbs. It is tight but not unreasonable. Steady pressure is best. I remember that having the socket to firmly bottom out in the head was a must to prevent them from slipping. I would resist using heat. You'll be heating up only the top of the bolt and the cylinder head. I don't think it will transfer any heat down to the body of the bolt (too much metal around to soak it up). You can try to use an impact wrench to break the bolts free. I don't see any particular reason why that might be bad (if someone knows, correct me if I'm wrong on this).
Best of luck. Sorry if this is not as helpful as you were hoping for.
Old 02-26-2022, 04:50 PM
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Hunter.....Thanks for the reply. Ukraine....yes, I have been following the "real" news for years now. Washington and the "lamestream media" are only spouting off lies/propaganda. The truth is that the darn US sent McCain and his side-kick V. Nuland to Ukraine back in 2014 and spent millions of US taxpayer money getting a revolution started, and then managed to overthrow the President of Ukraine. The US then set up their little **** puppet, and pumped Ukraine full of weapons, which the puppet then used to start genocide on the citizens in eastern Ukraine, killing 14,000. The US/Nato also agreed over the past 25 years "not to move Nato 1 inch further east toward Russia", and signed agreements such as the Minsk Agreements which would prevent the former Soviet bloc countries from joining NATO. Then the US/Nato ignored their promises and have been expanding toward Moscow and sending weapons into these former Soviet states. Putin has been pushed into the corner so aggressively by the West that he had no option but to stand up against their aggression, and to prevent further genocide of citizens of eastern Ukraine. I hope you have been getting the truth, and not the lies/propaganda from Washington and their puppet media outlets. I highly reccomend, who gives superb daily updates on all world events, and exposed the truth, not lies.

I will reply with the Head Gasket Repair in the next case you prefer to remove my political commentary so as "not to offend" anyone. As the actor Nickolson said in that movie where he was a general and said in the court room "The Truth......The Truth!.....You cant handle the truth!" (So many Americans have been drinking the propaganda so long, that they cant handle the truth, which upsets their reality).

Old 02-26-2022, 05:23 PM
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Hunter.......Since I bent the 3/8" socket extension yesterday while using the breaker bar and pipe while trying to loosen the Head Bolts, today I bought some 1/2" drive heavy duty impact extensions, and a set of heavy duty 1/2" Hex Sockets. I then first used a big punch and sledgehammer and gave each bolt a few taps to kinda "wake them up" so they know its time to start moving their lazy butts for the first time in 25 years. I again cleaned the Hex Bolts even more, with gas and Qtips to help ensure the hex socket would go all the way down, and increase friction by getting all the oil out. Had a helper hold down on the socket against the Head Bolts as I wrestled with the breaker bar and pipe, and it went fine......doing the procedure of the inside bolts first, and working to the outter bolts, and in small increments. With the right tools, it went fine.
Head is removed, after seeing that the rear coolant pipe was attached to the head with 2 bolts on the back, near the firewall. I looked real close, but I did not see any areas on the Head Gasket that were "blown out" or damaged:

I guess that I should have done a cylinder pressure test before doing this work to verify that there was a head gasket problem. However, it still could be blown-out on the other bank of cylinders. If the other bank is also fine, then is it possible the water got into the engine oil another way? From the back of the water pump as I questioned earlier?
Here you can see the water pump at the front of the engine, with alot of oil on it:

By the way, how many of those head gasket holes are for oil to be pumped up to the camshaft?

Another question: What is the trick on cleaning all the crud off the head and keep the dirt and debris from falling down into the cylinders? Do you just stuff them with rags and clean away, and then use a vacuum or something?

Head before a good cleaning:

IN this pic, it seems to look like oil was leaking from the head gasket, and maybe this is where all that oil in the "valley" came from:

Got her cleaned up and soon ready to go back on:

To answer your question, I have no idea as to when or if the head had ever been replaced, as I bought this Monty with water in the engine oil and the owner had said it needed a new head gasket. I also do not know if the water pump has been replaced, but I assume it has since the gasket "appears" to have been put on wrong.

Old 02-28-2022, 12:41 PM
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Tough luck on the head gaskets. I hope whatever work yiu di will fix the issue.

On the topic of Ukraine, I'm sorry to say, but you got it all backwards. There was no ***** or genocide there. I know, because I have famuly living in both Western and Eastern Ukraine. In Eastern Ukraine huge part of population spoke russian in every day life, but considered themselves ukrainian citizens regardless of their ethnic origins (many had come from. Russia during USSR times). I visuted there. Lively and prosperous people in cities and in the country. They wanted to have closer ties with Europe (the goal of many people since 1991 break up of USSR), but knew that Russia would not want them to get away from their circle of influence. That is why they armed up and were ready to defend themselves. Are there people who want to be part of Russia, sure. Just like here you might have people who want to be "independent" from US. Every country has those. But Putin pushed himself into the corner by rattling the cage he built around himself. Now his solders and ukrainian civilians are paying the price fir his madness. Russian army is not seen as liberators, but as invaders. It is awful and unnecessary.
Old 02-28-2022, 04:41 PM
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Hunter......I stand by my comments about the US Globalists sending McCain and Nuland to Ukraine which resulted in the 2014 overthrow of the duly-elected President of Ukraine. You must admit that a ton of arms from the US has poured in since then, and that those millions in eastern Ukraine were told that they could not even speak Russian in public, and the bombing and attacks from Kiev has already killed 14,000 before Putin stepped in to stop that genocide. How about the prior agreements between Russia and Nato/US and Minsk agreements where NATO/US agreed not to advance 1 inch toward the east, and not to bring former Soviet states into NATO? It is clear that the US/Nato Globalists have been working for the past 30 years to destabliize and bring Russia down......just as they have done countless times to other countries.....Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, the list goes on and on.

You ever watch George Galloway, often on RT? (that is, before it is banned in the US, as it is now in Germany and soon in UK). Also, does excellent daily 1 hr shows digging very deep into the truth.....not the lamestream propaganda.

So, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one. Maybe keeping our thoughts on Mitsubishi topics will reduce our heart-burn on this......but I am fully open to share factual news regarding Ukraine if you desire.

From my prior post:
The truth is that the darn US sent McCain and his side-kick V. Nuland to Ukraine back in 2014 and spent millions of US taxpayer money getting a revolution started, and then managed to overthrow the President of Ukraine. The US then set up their little **** puppet, and pumped Ukraine full of weapons, which the puppet then used to start genocide on the citizens in eastern Ukraine, killing 14,000. The US/Nato also agreed over the past 25 years "not to move Nato 1 inch further east toward Russia", and signed agreements such as the Minsk Agreements which would prevent the former Soviet bloc countries from joining NATO. Then the US/Nato ignored their promises and have been expanding toward Moscow and sending weapons into these former Soviet states. Putin has been pushed into the corner so aggressively by the West that he had no option but to stand up against their aggression, and to prevent further genocide of citizens of eastern Ukraine. I hope you have been getting the truth, and not the lies/propaganda from Washington and their puppet media outlets. I highly reccomend, who gives superb daily updates on all world events, and exposed the truth, not lies.
Old 02-28-2022, 06:12 PM
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StudebakerHawl, I hope one day we can sit down and have this conversation over beer. Thst will give me a chance to run through the history of Ukraine for you from a view point of a Ukrainian, vs a Russian State TV propaganda. Youte mistaken on many points:
1. No one in East Ukraine was prohibited from speaking Russian in public. Ukrainian is official state language, but everyone in the east spoke russian daily. We are talking first hand knowledge here. On the contrary, during the glorious Soviet times, Ukrainians WERE actually prohibited from speaking Ukrainian. That is true, cause I have first hand knowledge of this as well.
2. There were no bombings in Kiev prior to russian invasion, no thousands of dead people in Kiev (except for the 15k that were killed in the Donbas conflict)
3. You're referencing Minsk agreement, but you need to go few years further back to 1994. At that time Ukraine sighned the Budapest memorandum, under whish they agreed to give up or destroy over 1,700 nuclear warheads (second largest arsenal in Europe). In exchange Russia, Great Britain, and USA guaranteed Ukraine's territorial integrity. I don't think Russia lived up to that agreement by any measure.
Anyhow, there is lots more, but let's try to revert back to the tech help. Sorry if I accidentally derailed your thread with my initial comment.
Old 03-02-2022, 06:59 AM
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Hunter....I have found that RT is FAR more truthful than the lying propaganda seen on "lamestream media" here in the US. I think that you might be surprised when I show you the evidence and hard facts to support what I have learned about the Ukraine situation. For another source.....give the daily broadcast a try (go back to last week when the military operation began and watch a few episodes). This is a christian broadcaster, but does not strangle you with religious stuff when it comes to the news. Then tell me anything that you disagree that Rick Wiles talks about regarding Ukraine/Russia/US& NATO.

1. The Ukraine govt. passed legislation banning Russian speaking throughout the country.
2. I never said that "thousands were dead in Kiev". I said that the genocide by the Ukraine ***** occured in the Donbass area of eastern Ukraine. They are currently digging up mass graves of these innocent people, and the coroner shows pictures of the torture done by the Ukraine ***** from Kiev....picutures of swastagas branded into their bodies and other horrible torture done. Why hasnt the world reacted about this genocide in east Ukraine? Was Russia supposed to sit back and do nothing after 8 years of bombing and genocide?
3. The US/Nato/Ukraine are the countries of failed to live-up to their promises and agreements. The US/Nato agreed "not to move 1 inch" toward Russia, not to bring the former Soviet states into NATO, and much more. Since 1991, they have brought about 7 soviet states into Ukraine, then sent in weapons and NATO bases, all a violation of their agreements and a direct threat to Russia. If you recall, the German ***** killed 24,000,000 (24 million) Russians during WWII, while only about 400,000 Americans died, and roughly 400,000 British. After Russia defeated the ***** (with no help from their Allies), Churchill and the West secretly agreed to use the captured **** soldiers (about 100,000) to launch a surprise invasion into Russia and to capture it. Stalin learned of the surprise invasion and sent his remaining army west to stop which point the damn US and allies cancelled the Russian invasion. So, Russia has huge reasons to not trust the West, after this long history of deceit by them.

So, perhaps both of us will tweak our opinions as we learn more about the evils taking place against Russia, and the great evil against Ukraine at the hands of the US/NATO for spilling their blood for their desire to harm Russia. The NATO motto is something like "We will spill every last drop of Ukrainian blood to stop Russia".

Lets get back to tech talk as you said, but perhaps share private emails about the world situation.

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