Should have...

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Old 03-06-2008, 04:58 PM
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Default RE: Should have...

So joshewuhh no longer a moderator?
Old 03-06-2008, 05:21 PM
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ORIGINAL: TheAdvocate
lol... Really though. He has a good point. SO many people get worked up over the internet. What about making OT posts not count? then we wouldnt have the bs crap that goes on in there just b/c people want to make there post count go up... I really think thats the biggest problem.

Im like E on this one tho. Im still trying to figure out where all the hostility came from.
it came from several unnecessary and very demining remarks by TheStealth towards me in my newest UPDATE thread w/ the coilovers for no reason.
Old 03-06-2008, 05:55 PM
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That and the fact that once one mod started ripping on a member, the rest of the people that LOVE to instigate jumped on the bandwagon. Then I deleted all the posts from the first derogatory one to the end of the thread and made a post to keep it clean. Now there's pissing and moaning because I did the job while others would prefer to keep bickering.
Old 03-07-2008, 09:43 AM
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Default RE: Should have...

im sorry that i missed sounded like a good time..

i want to make a feew points.

first, in the open forum, a moderator is never to edit or remove the posts of another moderator unless they are 100% out of line, like if a mod goes off the deep end and starts posting kidding **** or something. if another mod posts something that is well within the rules, and another mod just doesnt agree with it or like it, there is no reason to remove it. if you have that big of a problem with something that another mod says, come to me about it.

second, what difference does it make what kind of car someone owns to be active on a site? i run one of the largest mustang sites online, and i dont own a mustang. its a ridiculous point to make that someone who has put in alot of time and effort should be removed because he or she no longer owns a given vehicle. thats what i call a desperate attempt to get the final word in an argument in which the person is being made to look foolish. when all other reason fails, question the person based on what kind of car he or she drives. thats much better than admitting that you are losing an argument and letting it go.

now, i dont know what the original thread was about, but im guessing that ron made a thread about filing for bankruptcy, he received some replies that he didnt like, and deemed to be insulting. im also guessing that at least one of thestealth's comments was one of those comments, but as long as ive known thestealth, i find him to be brutally honest. i dont believe that ive ever read a comment of his that was being rude without any merit, so while it may be viewed as rude or offensive, hes really just being honest. was that the case here?
Old 03-07-2008, 10:40 AM
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i told people a while back that i was filing bankrptzy b/c my father fired me from my full time job. i made an update thread in OT about ordering and getting in my Tein SS Coilovers. Everybody was suportive. Sk8 asked if i was the guy that just filed for bankrup.. a coupe months back and i said yes i am, but i have NO more bills, i'm saving more money than i'm spending and learned my lesson. well the next comment was from TheStealth saying how i was nothing but somebody who was ruining everybody elses credit or something to do w/ tax dollars or something. i made a firm reply asking what his problem was and then he made an even more demining reply (honestly by now i don't even remember what he said but was totally uncalled for). i ended up deleting the demining replies so that there was no confrontation infront of the entire forum. later on Sangpermanently deleted the demining replies and i thought that was the end of it. from there all hell broke loose. this thread was created by TheStealth b/c he didn't like the fact that the thread was censored apparently. i have since sent him a PM asking what the hell his prob w/ me is and his response was simply that "he didn't like the way i managed my money."
now whether that is enough not to like somebody i guess is personal opinion but i've been an active member on here for over 3 years, offered countless threads on advise to tons of people on here and i absolytely did not deserve to be talked to that way on the open forum.
there are A LOT of instances on this forum that i bite my tonge or re-word what i'm thinking but would never directly insult somebody, especially a mod or admin, on the open forum.
Old 03-07-2008, 10:58 AM
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but if you, or any other mod, feels that the comments of another mod are out of line, before any action is taken, you should come to me, and let me handle it. firing back, or deleting doesnt accomplish anything.
Old 03-07-2008, 11:05 AM
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Default RE: Should have...

note taken.
Old 03-07-2008, 12:33 PM
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The problem was whether brutall honest or not the original post about someone not handling their finances properly was GROSSLY off topic for an update on a set of shocks/springs someone bought.

Then the fact that multiple other people jumped the bandwagon to the RC bashing is HIGHLY unacceptable.

I got tired of the thread being deleted and brought back and then posts getting deleted because they contradicted what a mod though or whatnot so I was the one that did the perm deletion of the majority of that thread and posted for the members to keep it clean.

Then this thread starts as soon as I clean THAT one up and continues the bickering in here. That's essentially what I saw from the situation. If you want more details I'll be happy to sketch out a full exact timeline of the BS as it went down.
Old 03-07-2008, 12:51 PM
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i think everything has been settled. i know i shouldn't have let the posts get to me enough to start posting whati didin 1 or 2 of them but when somebody makes a personal attack on me when they don't know ANYTHING about me or my personal finances, i take that quite seriously..
and just for the record... the money that i used to puchase the coilovers came from me selling my old TV. so i didn't even feel the cost of them.
if somebody would have asked me about how i could afford them or why i was buying parts, that would have been fine. but when somebody directly attacks me for no reason w/o knowing any details about it. that is when i have a problem.
Old 03-07-2008, 01:13 PM
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i understand your point, but you also have to consider how you portray yourself. if you say at one point that you bought a new car. lets say that its a smart car. until you state that it was a joke, or you sold it, im going to assume that you own a smart car. because of that, im likely to make comments based on my opinion of you owning a smart car.

in the same way, if you tell someone that youre having money problems, they are going to view your posts based on the assumption that you are still financially uncomfortable.

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